Passidomo Park Pollinator Gardens

In 2016, with the permission of the Mayor Ron Belmont and through the work of dedicated volunteers, the first 2 pollinator gardens were established in Passidomo Memorial Park. Each year this collection of pollinator friendly plants is expanded to increase its collection of native plants. The first garden is installed on the village green on Lake Street and the second garden is adjacent to the old pool on the way to our village sports field. Each is marked with a Rebel Butterfly Gardeners banner.

Each garden is maintained by volunteers and paid for with private donations. Each spring the collection of pollinator friendly perennials is increased. These are public gardens so the designs are brimming with color and as a result are filled with native bees each summer.

Despite the cultivated appearance, these gardens are mulched with leaves and allowed to lie uncleared until late spring. Seed heads from plants stay standing in fall and winter to feed our native birds. The stalks provide shelter for native bees and the leaf litter gives the base of these gardens a healthy environment for beneficial insects.

